
To inspire Jews to do “Teshuva, Tefilah U Tzedaka” and to facilitate opportunities of Chesed (acts of kindness) and Tfila (prayer), thus bestowing hope, love and unity within Am Yisrael.


How it began...

Naftali is a little boy from Israel who came to Florida to go through numerous surgeries to fix some major bone structure issues he was born with. I met Naftali after a surgery done on his face, I brought with me a small MP3 player filled with Jewish music. Naftali was so happy, he would wake up and go to sleep listening to the music, and the parents told me how the music helped him heal.

When the Gaon of Vilna concluded his Perush on Shir haSHirim he celebrated. He explained how music is essential to understanding the secrets of Torah. He said people could die of longing; how people could be brought back to life through the secrets of song. A close friend of ours, the singer Shloime Daskal, goes around and sings for sick people in hospitals. He told us how music & song do wonders for people.

So as a chesed project for my daughters’ bat mitzvah, we purchased 36 MP3s. Through Chesed of Florida, a wonderful local organization who helps families and individuals in crisis, we got the rights to use Jewish music to fill these MP3s. Music heals, Jewish music heals, but many of our youngsters are not exposed to Jewish music. But our Jewish music is medicine for the soul. So the kids got to wrap the MP3s and write cards, and all of these MP3s were donated.

A number of MP3s were donated to local kids in hospitals in Florida. They were distributed through Chesed of Florida. The majority of the MP3s we donated to Kids of Courage. They distributed to the children at one of their events.

Please explore the other links under Music for more information. If you would like to donate an MP3 or make a cash donation for us to purchase an MP3, please click here.

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