For Eyal Naftali and Gil-Ad for saving us!
Eyal, Naftali, Gil-Ad
What do you see?
America forgot
America placed a Muslim in the white house just 7 years after the largest terror attack
in the world happened in its major city. Did 2,996 perish in vain?
Europe forgot
Just 70 years after the Holocaust the major European countries are filled with terror,
glass fronts being broken, businesses being burned, and
calls are made for the death of the Jews
Did 6 million perish in vain?
Eyal – What do you see?
From up there,
Where the truth prevails
Where justice is served
Where compassion is king
The world forgot
200 Nigerian girls go missing
They are raped, violated, sold
But the Jews weren’t responsible so the world forgot
Do they suffer in vain?
The world forgot
Millions are murdered
for their religion,
for poverty,
for politics
It happened long ago, it happened yesterday, and it’s happening today
Do they die in vain?
Naftali – What do you see?
From up there
Where the truth prevails
Where justice is served
Where compassion is king
The world forgot how…
God saved the Jews from the Egyptians
God saved the Jews from the Persians
God saved the Jews from the Romans
God saved the Jews from the Spanish
God saved the Jews from the British
God saved the Jews from the German
God saved the Jews from the Russians
God saved the Jews…
God saves the Jews!
But the world forgot and now, again, we need to remind them
That we are pawns in the ultimate plan
We are disliked
We are unloved
We are disrespected
That is the rule of law
So yet again we send a message to the world that God saves the Jews
Gil-Ad – What do you see?
From up there
Where the truth prevails
Where justice is served
Where compassion is king
Am Yisrael forgot
We forgot what we are here for
We forgot that we have a job
We forgot that nothing else really matters
We forgot that there is an ultimate purpose
We forgot that this world is temporary and that the next is extraordinary
We forgot that God saves the Jews
We forgot why God saves the Jews
Eyal, Naftali, Gil-Ad –
What do you see?
God saved us through you!
Forgive me but I have something else to ask of you
Can you please remind the Jews?
Can you please remind the world?
That in the end
God saves the Jews
And that ultimately…
The truth will prevail
Justice will be served and
Compassion will reign
by Miri Grunhaus 7/30/2014
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